This is a cleaner app that’s a truly NO-NONSENSE style cleaner. We are still actively enhancing the software, but we truly believe that “a cleaner app itself should be clean”. Thus, we welcome everyone who share our ideals, and every improvement tips and suggestions for this app! Maybe your shared thoughts will appear in our future updates!
App Features
Scan, clean, and that’s it
On Super Cleaner, we do two things right (scan + clean). Is it free? Yes. Is there Ads? No. Any other shenanigans? Nope, just scan & clean.
Smart junk-removal system
Ever wondered why your phone’s memory is shrinking fast? Do worry, our smart scanner will find those junks and make them gone in a snap, with your permission on what to remove.
Powerful, yet simple
We position our Super Cleaner as an app “does what it does and only does what it does”. That it quietly resides in a tiny corner of your phone, but when you need a mobile cleanse, Super Cleaner answers the call.
Good for all phones
Samsung? HTC? LG? Xiaomi? Huawei? Moto? About all Android models are compatible
Permissions & Privacy Policy
Related info are present upon installation. Please read carefully and we do not collect your personal information
Make Android Different!
Make Android Cleaner!</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>